Calling Young Animators for Hothouse – ACMI

The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) and Victorian Government have together created the ultimate incubator for emerging talent in the field of animation and are seeking promising young Victorians to apply for this once in a lifetime learning opportunity. Hothouse is a week-long intensive program for Victorian students in Years 10 to 12, aimed at nurturing creativity and moving image skills.

Ten students are hand-picked each year and dropped into a fast-paced production studio, to gain hands-on production experience, contacts in the industry and plenty of career inspiration.
Guided by local artist, director and animator, David Pennay, participants spend the week learning, sharing, and creating, in what promises to be memorable personal and professional growth opportunity. The program takes place over one action-packed week in the July school holidays and it is free for selected participants.


Students interested in filmmaking and animation will have the opportunity to work with professionals and gain exclusive industry experience, knowledge about obtaining access to animation courses at tertiary institutions, and most importantly, develop lifelong career inspiration. The program allows students to develop vital skills for the film industry including idea development and research, understanding visual and cinematic language, character design, narrative development, creating and presenting a story pitch and verbal presentation, time management and planning skills. Support for those living outside of Metropolitan Melbourne is also available.

To coincide with ACMI’s world premiere DreamWorks Animation: The Exhibition, students will witness animator Anthony Lucas and the Designing Dreams participants pitching their ideas to the DreamWorks team in LA via video conference.

Applications are free and now open for Hothouse 2014 but must close on 11 June 2014.
For more information and details on how to apply, visit
Download the Hothouse 2014 Application Kit [PDF] here
Hothouse is an initiative of the Victorian Government.

In addition to Hothouse, ACMI is also running Australia’s biggest moving image competition for young people – Screen It. Details for Screen It can be found here.




Excerpts from Press Release

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