First impression: With the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I love this laptop. The OLED screen beautiful to look at. The colour accuracy…
First impression: With the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I love this laptop. The OLED screen beautiful to look at. The colour accuracy…
iZotope is well and truly established as a noise reduction force. Now it’s trying to entice RX users further into its standalone app by…
A new video hosting site for film lovers and makers has launched – Vimazing. Allowing users to present their work to clients or festivals, and gain an audience…
Everyone loves free plugins, well today we have two of them for our readers! Column: Anthony Garvin I have a love-hate relationship with plug-ins,…
Those who have used Adobe’s After Effects or other kinds of VFX/compositing programs would be pretty used to motion tracking by now. It’s been…
The concept of purchasing specialised plug-ins to supplement the basic functionality of a digital audio workstation all seems a bit quaint these days —…
We’ve listed out some of the best Android & iOS apps available for shooting, blocking or collaborating on your film. Go ahead, a few…
So many apps, so little time. How do you choose the best apps to give even the most micro-budget film workflows and functions to…