Take a deep breath, now exhale. There is no cause for alarm. Your stasis pod will open automatically when you have reached your destination – the future.
Sounding like something from the Jetsons, Xhail (pronounced exhale), is a musical generator tool, which launches soon, promising to forever change the way music for film, television and gaming is produced.
The software allows users to create original, copyrighted musical pieces from a centralised database of tagged musical stems or instruments, user’s interact with textual cues as the music is being composed.
Think of those food generators from sci fi films (the Cat in Red Dwarf asking for fish), a machine that instantly gives you what you tell it to, like magic. Xhail, may not give you food but whatever kind of music you want, it will create it.
You just type in a word, for example ‘fantasy’ and the software (in real time) generates an original musical piece to fit that genre. Adding textual cues, at any stage of the composition, allows users change the way the music sounds, adding instruments, changing genre, timing, or even syncing musical cues to on-screen action.
The software remembers the cue/music that’s been generated and will not regenerate the same cues again…so long as the user has downloaded and paid for its licence.
The platform is the creation of Score Music Interactive (SMI), who offer exclusive global licensing to each project created by users, “each piece of music we licence will never be shared with that client’s competitors or other media.
Although, it’s not all bad news for film composers and musicians (someone please tell James Horner and Danny Elfman to stop crying).
SMI want to work hand-in-hand with composers and have some pretty nice publishing deals to offer. The company says it has created music cue blueprint templates in all genres, for “composers and musicians to follow and populate.”
When a musician works with Xhail, a blueprint template is delivered to them as a MIDI file. Which sets out two rules for musicians to follow, timing and harmonic mapping of the cue. Musicians can then compose/record their original compositions using whatever instruments they like, returning the finished pieces (without processing or mixing) as individual instrument session wavs. Those individual instrument wavs are tagged then stored in a massive library system in the cloud. Ready for someone using the platform, to type in a cue, which shuffles the wavs and uniquely arranges them for users.
SMI offer musicians a 50/50 split in the publishing and sync licence profits, which is a far more generous than most cloud based music publishers and subscription services. The developers have a team of creatives from the original Xbox and have spent the last two years working on the project, with funding from Enterprise Ireland.
The company has said it is launching the platform in Northern Hemisphere’s Autumn, so any day now.
If you’re interested in composing music for Xhail, or want to learn more about the software, then check: scoremusicinteractive.com
Check out the software in action below.